Sampling the sounds of yesterday with some burned out blues courtesy of American
jazz singer & musician


as he puts it all out there in the masterful single // This Time I'm Gone For Good //
that featured on his 2014 album // Singing the Blues //. After such a message, the
need for light, but first, the burn seeps through aided by British all-girl trio


and the encouraging melody in // Swim // that shows off their ability to mix funk,
punk, & some kind of euro-pop to gain a description of their sound as, and I
quote, "an 80's punk bubble bath".  I think it's more jazz funk, though, as evidenced
in this track from their 2016 debut EP // Utopia Village //. Yes. I'm ready for the
weekend. Thanks for asking. I love the vocals, though, carrying on into the song
// Family // recorded live, as the EP's opening feature. It's vocal melancholy
working like that strange voice you hear winding its way through a forest when you
are alone, or may as well be, cause neither of you brought a torch, your phones don't
get the promised reception that beats all other competitors hands down, which
means you can't use the Google maps feature since it can't find your location, so
you have to wait until dark so you can find the North Star and get your bearings.
But I digress. Nice album. Available here:

PELUCHÉ │ u t o p i a   v i l l a g e

Ignore the 'pre-order'. They're obviously stuck in the same forest.

• nJoy •

:: FREDDY COLE :: This Time I'm Gone for Good ::

:: PELUCHÉ :: Swim [Official MV] ::

:: PELUCHÉ :: Family [Live Recording] ::

[Image: Anyway by Steoville (Detail)]


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