Taking a look at 3 sample bites from today's freshly released EP // Skarven // from
Norwegian DJ & dance music producer


Billed as progressive house, the samples reveal a more subdued trip than his usual
upbeat electro dance tempo, exhibiting an ability to conjure a musical composure
that is concurrent with taking a trip indoors as well as out. There's something for
everyone, as he cools things down via the melodically ambient // Sheeta //. Could
this become a new genre? Published under his own label // Mood of Mind // you
can order it here:

FEHRPLAY │ s k a r v e n

For comparison, check out the extra feature for an hour long DJ progressive dance
set from the REV Ultra Lounge, Minneapolis, from 2015.

• nJoy •

:: FEHRPLAY :: Skarven EP [sample tracks] ::

[ x t r a ]

:: FEHRPLAY :: Live at REV Ultra Lounge, Minneapolis [2015] ::

[Digital pop art: fehrplay by I am not Alice]


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