Due out March 17th is the 9th studio album from Texas based rock band

:: SPOON ::

Entitled // Hot Thoughts // I find myself contemplating the somnabulistic life
form that is a spoon faced with a bowl of porridge, but I digress. Immediately
catching my attention with the eye-grabbing cover art, and who doesn't love a
good skull, I was, it has to be said, a little underwhelmed by the album's title
track. Hard to forget the lyrics, I'll give you a head's up so you can sing along
karaoke style, "Hot thoughts, All in my mind, And all of the time, Yeah."
There are other words but just stick with those and they'll fit in real well.
I found the next track // Can I Sit Next To You // to have a more conducive
personality, maybe because I couldn't help smiling at the kind of Moroccan
twang that started somewhere around 1:28. I totally lost it when the MV had
me thinking about what Doctor Who would look like on an alternate reality
planet. I'm not selling this, am I, but just incase I am, (2:38), (is this dance
rock?), you can pre-order your Hot Thoughts from a vendor of your choice,

SPOON │ h o t   t h o u g h t s

I can recommend the official store for a blinging box of $3 matches. Ikr?

• nJoy •

:: SPOON :: Hot Thoughts ::

:: SPOON :: Can I Sit Next To You? ::

[Cover art for Spoon's 2017 album: "Hot Thoughts"]


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