Taking a look at a couple of tracks off the upcoming album entitled // Mental Illness // from American pop rock singing songwriter & musician


co-founder of the 80's new wave band // 'Til Tuesday //. She went solo in 1993, when she released her first solo album // Whatever //, the first step on a soon-to-be series of 9. With a tendency towards musical melancholia by way of a creative direction, fans won't be surprised by the title, or the exploration of mental health issues, as we sample the track // Goose Snow Cone //, that deals with anxiety, loss, shock, grief, & relief. Everything with a beginning has, by life's nature, an ending, but today it's a happy one, as the soft pop lyrics remain easy listening all the way through. One could almost say that her steady voice remains a comforting rock in a sea of chaos. In a change of scenery and tempo, the indie folk track // Patient Zero // contains lyrical observations that become crucial to the understanding of this musical uncovery. It reminds me of the notion that spiritual enlightenment and mental illness bear similar traits, & also of a guy I met in a village supermarket, talking to an invisible person all about me, & getting a lot of it right. Do I digress? I'm not sure. The title throws you into that place, and it will either attract or repel listeners. With a release date of March 31st, you can order an exclusive pre-sale bundle here:

AIMEE │ m e n t a l   i l l n e s s

Also included via the link, her April US tour dates. Toronto, you've been invaded! Check out the [ x t r a ] for a short interview with Aimee where she discusses the impetus behind her new album, & where she answers the question as to why all her songs are depressing.

• nJoy •

:: AIMEE MANN :: Goose Snow Cone [Official MV] ::

:: AIMEE MANN :: Patient Zero ::

[ x t r a ]

:: AIMEE MANN :: The Making of Mental Illness ::

:: AIMEE MANN :: People Ask Me Why My Songs Are So Depressing ::

[Digiart: off-set series: aimee mann by IANA]


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