Out March 28th was the latest album from electronic ambient music producer

:: HERMEI ::

Entitled // Compilation001 // it begins like the journey into the center of a
fairground attraction, starting out with the white horses in an undulating turn
that adds mellow & blur until you are all inner feels in the first track // 2AM //
which is a Pentamer release by // the_accidental_poet // before watching
strangers ride a spinning chair ride, turning the spokes into showers of rain
in // FOMH's // compilation003 track // Together //. Stopping to queue up for a
Wurlitzer ride in the downtempo // Pearl w/Nevaeh // to realize it's fun to watch
the expressions on other people's faces coming out of the dark. The 8 track album
is zen on acid, available for a name your own price digital download, here:

HERMEI │ c o m p i l a t i o n 0 0 1

• nJoy •

:: HERMEI :: Compilation001 [Full Album] ::


1   ▫   2AM   ▫   [the_accidental_poet's 'Pentamer' release]

2   ▫   Together   ▫   [FOMH's 'Current' compilation003]

3   ▫   Pearl w/Nevaeh

4   ▫   Nights without you

5   ▫   We used to be in love

6   ▫   Erased

7   ▫   Leave

8   ▫   Dreams

▪ ▪

[Gif: vintage film clip of Munich Oktoberfest]


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