full album x DOOMBIRD

Mellowing out Sunday with some psychedelic synth-pop via an album released
in the final days of last year // Past Lives // by American indie electronic band


Described as ambient disco by some [...what! ...how? ] you could, if you felt like
it, plug earbuds into your phone, don skimpy shorts plus mismatched clothing &
go rollerblading for an hour or so whilst listening to this, & be quite happy. It's
that old friend you phone every 6 weeks at the weekend. You know they're going
to be in. What they'll say. That they haven't been up to much, but, somehow, you
really enjoyed talking to them. No one's dying. The lyrics won't test you. Politics
aren't mentioned, and you can play it loud or low & get something out of it. Surf.
Eat donuts. Tidy your room. Go for a walk [...yes ...there is an outside ] & let this
happy accident of an under promoted discovery blow a big warm hug into your
day. The album is available to purchase here:

P a s t   L i v e s

so if you feel like shocking them, buy a copy.

• nJoy •

:: DOOMBIRD :: Past Lives [Full Album] ::


1   ▫   Sheer

2   ▫   Fog Rolls In

3   ▫   The Salt

4   ▫   Curtis Park

5   ▫   Lemma

6   ▫   Overflowing

7   ▫   Dihedral

8   ▫   Commonplace

9   ▫   Everything is Anything

10  ▫   Shadow Somber


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