Setting Saturday alight with an hour of electronic dance courtesy of


and their // Spinnin' Sessions │ episode 198 // mixtape highlighting the most upfront
edm tracks of the moment from their weekly radio show. This week's 30 minute DJ
mix features Brazilian DJ-ing record producer

:: ALOK ::

in the guest seat, starting out with a collaboration between Dutch DJ & deep house
music producer // Sam Feldt // & Australia's // Hook N Sling // before crossing the
pond to the UK's // Shakecraft //. Also included in the impressive line-up are
// Corey James, Martin Blomen, Tony Junior, KO:YU, Blasterjaxx, Don Palm, &
Bassjackers // to name a few. Full playlist can be found below.

• nJoy •

:: SPINNIN' SESSIONS :: episode 198 [Feat. ALOK] ::


1   ▪   SAM FELDT & HOOK N SLING   ▪   Open Your Eyes

2   ▪   SHAKECRAFT & SIRRAH ft. Kinimono   ▪   Bad Behaviour

3   ▪   TOM STAAR & COREY JAMES   ▪   Bird Flu

4   ▪   MARTIN BLOMEN   ▪   Infinite Energy

5   ▪   TONY JUNIOR ft. Omaaj & Melody Noel   ▪  Rock N Roll

6   ▪   TROBI ft. Junglebae   ▪   In The Studio

7   ▪   MIKE WILLIAMS ft. Matluck   ▪   Another Night

8   ▪   KO:YU & DON PALM   ▪   A Way Home

9   ▪   BLASTERJAXX ft. David Spekter   ▪   Collide

10  ▪   BASSJACKERS & BROOKS   ▪  Joyride

11  ▪   ALOK & BRUNO MARTINI ft. Zeeba   ▪   Hear Me Now

12  ▪   ALOK ft. Stone Fox   ▪   This City

13  ▪   ALOK ft. Iro   ▪   Me And You

14  ▪   BJONR ft. Tom Bailey   ▪   Fade Into You

15  ▪   ALOK & LIU ft. Stonefox   ▪   All I Want

16  ▪   VINTAGE CULTURE & S.E.L.V.A. & LAZY BEAR   ▪   Why Don't U Love [Cat Dealers RmX]

17  ▪   ALOK & SEVENN   ▪   Byob

18  ▪   ALOK & BHASKAR   ▪   Fuego

[Image: detail from ALOK promo poster]


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