Taking a look at a couple of tracks by American singing songwriting guitar player,
Jessica Alice Hoop, who conveniently shortens it to


from her upcoming album // Memories Are Now // set for release February 10,
starting with // The Lost Sky //. It's the usual she says what he said, and we are
back round on a relationship dissection linking us to the inner child's cry of, "Why ".
All things are tempting to the confused and intrigued, the answer being, because
they can. Some shades are darker than we want them to be, as the video takes a
turn, buoyed up by the haunting melody that seduces you into thinking one way,
when it might mean another. The flavor of self empowerment is also present in the
album's title track, happily unhampered by unnecessary embellishment beyond her
vocals and guitar playing. A mark of her personal signature, and refreshing. If the
samples leave you wanting more, the album is available to pre-order, with the
additional bonus of a blue vinyl copy of the album "Robin's Egg ", while
stocks last, here :

J E S C A   H O O P │ m e m o r i e s  a r e  n o w

• nJoy •

:: JESCA HOOP :: The Lost Sky [Official MV] ::

:: JESCA HOOP :: Memories Are Now ::

[ x t r a ]

:: JESCA HOOP :: Pegasi [BBC Radio 6 Music ▫ Live Room Session] ::

[Digiart: jesca hoop by IANA]


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