Okay. Deep breath. When I first heard that bluegrass 'n' country singer


had overcome dysphonia to release her first solo album in 18 years
// Windy City // I was struck by the fact that I did not know what
that was. Turning to my ever handy personal assistant named Wiki,
I discovered that dysphonia is characterized as having difficulty in
speaking due to a physical disorder of the mouth, tongue, throat, or
vocal chords. Checking out the title track, I was actually okay with
this. She looks like a 60's throwback of Dusty Springfield, and I
think I'm down with the lyrics that talk about how cold and heartless
he is, like the chilling winds that blow. Welcome Tammy Wynette, as
she implores the windy city to release her baby, with its bright lights
& avenues so fine. Are we still talking about a built up area? Things
don't improve as we place the needle in the groove of // Losing You //.
We're through, at this point. It's downhill all the way. Everything's
going wrong. Nights are all too long for her because of 'you'. Seriously,
don't date anyone with that name. I like this for it's soulful twang, but I
hope this album comes with a month's supply of anti-depressants. I'll
add something cheerful onto the end for those who need a pick me up.
If you're into musical BDSM, the album is set for release February 17,
and is available to pre-order, with an instant download of "Losing
You ", here:

ALISON KRAUSS │ w i n d y   c i t y

• nJoy •

:: ALISON KRAUSS :: Windy City ::

:: ALISON KRAUSS :: Losing You ::

[ x t r a ]

:: THEE OH SEES :: Encrypted Bounce [Live on Seattle's KEXP Radio ▪ Nov 25, 2016] ::

[Image: detail from Alison Krauss's 2017 album "Windy City"]


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