...a couple of electro dance-punk tracks from two music producers
at opposite ends of the globe, starting out with Canadian duo


...ahead of their upcoming album // Operator // due out July 22 as
we take a listen to the old school dark and musty // Party Line //
...we're all in this together ...guys...earplugs! ...really ...where to go next?
...well, since I've got your ears on reverberate and your mind on escape,
a trip back a few months to Finnish electro music producer Aku Raski,
who goes by the stage name


...and his pumped out electro-dance track // XXVI Crimes of Love // you hear a fat lady singing? ...then it isn't over yet


:: MSTRKRFT :: Party Line [Official MV] ::

:: HUORATRON :: XXVI Crimes of Love ::

[Gif: Light Tunnel by 3000fps]


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