Celebrating the recently released track by Australian duo


comprising of // Phoebe Lou & Joey Clough //. Okay...did someone just make
that up? Formerly of Melbourne band // Shakadaktal // (you guys are killing me),
they have been writing music together since the tender age of 15, so I guess the
natural progression was towards a creative composition a deux, which makes use
of their personal majesty that appreciates and merges their twin talents. Giving
us the music they hear in their heads, let's listen in via the latest single // If We
Have Time // preceded by their debut single // Fading // released towards the
beginning of this year. Both are gentle surf pop. Nothing out of the ordinary,
but enjoyable, the same way water moves softly over your sandy toes if you
are standing too close to the waters edge. It is a pleasant sensation. See what
you think.


:: TWO PEOPLE :: Fading ::

:: TWO PEOPLE :: If We Have Time ::

[Art: two people by IANA]


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