A bit of musical philosophy to kick off the week from American folk
meets country meets rock band


Are any of you guys related? Yes! Ian and James Felice, to be precise,
with the addition of their friend, Josh Rawson with an interesting claim
to fame of being a former traveling dice player. Where can I buy traveling
dice? The 5 piece is also made up of fiddler Greg Farley, with David
Estabrook on drums, completing a line up that started out playing in New
York's subways. Since they have a new album coming out on June 24,
namely // Life In The Dark // what harm can it do to listen to a couple of
tracks off it, starting out with // Plunder // The lyrics are catchy, with
enough percentage of rock to keep me listening, with a twanging
backdrop that sounds like something catatonic falling down the stairs.
This could be an anthem for the contented-to-be-disappointed as we
bounce the more folksy // Aerosol Ball // around the remains of our
musical acumen that realizes the futility of trying to make sense of
either the video or lyrics, but this is both the group's appeal and their
strength. I have the rest of the week to make it up to you.


:: THE FELICE BROTHERS :: Plunder ::

:: THE FELICE BROTHERS :: Aerosol Ball ::

[Artwork: the felice bros by IANA]


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