Apart from Thursdays spent rummaging through dusty music boxes in the attic,
I like checking out recent releases, but I heard this 2 month old electro rap track
yesterday & feel it's too good to pass on from Australian DJ & experimental EDM
music producer, Eugene Ward , a.k.a.


as he mixes several subgenres, which is his trademark, to create // Elevate // surfing
garaged grime that features the cockney vocals of London MC // Cadell // alongside
Syndey's // Chocolate //. Me want. It's class. As is Carey's // Dark Zoo // EP that came
out a few months back on May 27. I will include a couple of tracks off his 5 track EP,
which further expands a range that takes it off the dance floor, bringing it back into
a more sophisticated setting of your time, your place. Available to purchase here:


• nJoy •

:: DRO CAREY :: Elevate ::

:: DRO CAREY :: Queensberry Rules [feat. KUČKA] ::

:: DRO CAREY :: Grow Lithe ::

[Digital graffiti: dro carey by IANA]


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