3 x ELE [일레]

Calming things down with some neo soul styled electro pop as we check
out the latest release from Korean indie singer and musician

:: ELE ::

and a track called // HEY // released December 9th. The soft melodies cut
through the silence, twisting the emphasis from vocals to sound, making it an
effortless listen that doesn't demand anything of you beyond that you turn up.
It's been over a year since the release of her last album // Black Moon // back
in August, 2015. Singles have trickled out in the meantime, like // Nobody //
 with its strange MV that is one for dog lovers and those who enjoy the
metaphorical nature of chairs, as we end with the art pop rendition of
// Goodbye // that appeared as part of a double offering on the single
// Waiting For Someone // that came out January, 2015. This is what a Korean
Siri would sound like as you instructed her to imitate Kate Bush. It is that
strange and that good. You can check out her back catalogue here.

• nJoy •

:: ELE [일레] :: HEY ::

:: ELE [일레] :: Nobody ::

:: ELE [일레] :: Goodbye [Waiting For Someone] ::

[Image: Cover for Ele's 2015 album "Black Moon"]


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