Checking out the latest socially aware musical offering from American musician,
DJ, writer, singer, & animal rights activist Richard Melville Hall, better known as

:: M O B Y ::

ahead of the release of his 13th studio album entitled // These Systems Are Failing //
due out October 14. It also represents a debut for a new musical project known as
// Moby & the Void Pacific Choir // so where to start with such a midlife red car
crashing crisis that places the world front and center stage with him as the protagonist
standing in the unmoving sweet spot, but with the sample track introduction // These
Systems are Failing // that sets the scene by him stepping away from his normalcy
to view the trees beyond the wood. This is an album about consequences. Is it odd
to look under the mental bed to appreciate someone else's introspective dust
bunnies? Will you consider him a modern day Messiah as you listen to the short
Manifesto? This is not an album for those who enjoy being entertained solely on
the basis of a background beat replete with melodic lyrics. It's too philosophical
for that, but I can't help but wonder if it is a huge plus or minus to exhibit a social
conscience in this way, as the track // Are You Lost In The World Like Me //
leaves you in no confusion as to the direction this artist is heading in. Aiming to
end things on an upbeat, and trust me, some of the MV's for this album are
intentionally disturbing, there is some kind of relief to be found in // The Light Is
Clear In My Eyes // released last year, that becomes the last bottle of hope in a
Pandora's box extravaganza. If you're not awake yet, this might be worth investing
in. If you are awake, I know, right? Available to pre-order here:


• nJoy •

:: MOBY & THE VOID PACIFIC CHOIR :: These Systems Are Failing ::

:: M O B Y :: These Systems Are Failing Manifesto ::

:: MOBY & THE VOID PACIFIC CHOIR :: Are You Lost In The World Like Me ::

:: MOBY & THE VOID PACIFIC CHOIR :: The Light Is Clear In My Eyes ::

“ California is a queer place — in a way, it has turned its back on the world,
and looks into the void Pacific. ”


[Digital graffiti: moby by IANA]


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