2 x KORN

A couple of nu metal tracks from American rock band

:: KORN ::

ahead of the release of their upcoming album // The Serenity
Of Suffering // due out October 21, starting with the ear blasting
surreal MV for the single // Rotting In Vain //. Even I like this.
Perhaps don't bring them home to meet mother, after listening to
// Insane //. I could almost think they've got a story running through
the grey matter of the head, music becoming both a cancer and a
drug of choice. Goths, bow low. Available to pre-order with all
sorts of goodies, here.

• nJoy •

:: KORN :: Rotting In Vain [Official MV] ::

:: KORN :: Insane [Official Audio] ::


:: KORN :: Europe 2016 ::

[Image: The Serenity Of Suffering Album Cover 2016]


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