A couple of recently released tracks from indie rock singer and American folk artist


ahead of the September 2nd release of her album // My Woman // starting out with the
slightly odd title (I've watched this video...oh...twice now...ikr?) of // Sister //. Were they
separated at birth? I'm imagining a lost love in the romantic sense as I follow the lyrics
and MV. Nope. Just can't get with that title, but you're welcome to try, and what's with
that bit on the end? Moving onto the next track off the album // Shut Up Kiss Me // and
I'm in more familiar territory. Deserted woman in abandoned car wearing a silver wig
and singing to herself in strange bars. It's only a matter of time till the skates come out...
and there they are. Nice indie track. If this is nu-folk, I might buy it. Deluxe pre-order
bundle available here. Could I get a signed skate?

• nJoy •

:: ANGEL OLSEN :: Sister [Official MV] ::

:: ANGEL OLSEN :: Shut Up Kiss Me [Official MV] ::

[Art: angel olsen by IANA]


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