A couple of tracks from UK folk rock duo Rebecca Taylor and
Charles Watson, who combine to make the group


Formed in Sheffield in 2006, the talented duo already have three
albums and several international tours under their belt, supported
acts such as Florence and the Machine, and KT Tunstall, so it seemed
fitting, on the eve of their 4th album // One Day All Of This Won't
Matter Any More // set for release August 19, to take a look at one of
the tracks from it, namely // Ancient Rolling Sea //. The MV has a Monty
Python vibe with a dead pan humor that works quite well with the mellow
tempo. It's pleasant and Beatlesque, but I might be being swayed by Watson's
vague resemblance to John Lennon. Following on nicely, is a track called
// Everything Is New // from their 2014 album // Complete Surrender //.
Great lyrics. Gentle presence. Burgers & ketchup.


:: SLOW CLUB :: Ancient Rolling Sea ::

:: SLOW CLUB :: Everything Is New ::


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