Liked the Dandy Warhols, you'll like the new release from Canadian indie rock band


as we check out a couple of tracks off their upcoming album // Whiteout Conditions //
due out on April 7 on the Concord Record label, beginning with the single // High
Ticket Attractions //. It's so bohemian, unlike me, but inside I really am. Does that
count? Why yes, yes it does. But, I really like this, despite hearing something
Dandy creeping through its floorboards. Grabbing a piece of their own action in
the album's title track // Whiteout Conditions //. Not sure what the lyrics are about,
but that's perfectly ok. It's about dreams, work, & health conditions. Missions are
probably in there, too, along with Intermissions, at a guess. It's music to sit in a
traffic jam to as it offers the opportunity to air drum with your head in some surrep-
titious side to side action. Promise I won't tell. If you want to get jiggy with it, you
can pre-order your copy from a vendor of your choice, here:

THE NEW PORNOGRAPHERS │ w h i t e o u t   c o n d i t i o n s

Check out the Official Store for some extra offers, such as a glow in the dark poster,
& a white LP. Hold me back.

• nJoy •

:: THE NEW PORNOGRAPHERS :: High Ticket Attractions [Official MV] ::

:: THE NEW PORNOGRAPHERS :: Whiteout Conditions [Official Audio] ::


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