Starting the week off with some Korean indie and the calming sound of
experimental rock band


and their recently released single // Howling // that came out November
2nd. They mix traditional sounds with the usual musical accompaniments
that offer a pleasant soft rock experience with a psychedelic twist, similarly
to discovering the tang of lemon somewhere you weren't expecting it to be.
I appreciated this track more than the subtle blues/pop vibe in // Farewell //
released a few months back, although many may prefer it. For me, the sound
of the single // Acrobat // released November 28, 2014, makes a greater
impact. I can't help but consider that parts of their music could be sampled
as opening music to a TV detective series. They are audio stories with a
familiarity that adds to the easy listening pleasure of this talented
combination of vocalizing musicians.

• nJoy •

:: HANUMPA :: Howling ::

:: HANUMPA :: Farewell ::

:: HANUMPA :: Acrobat ::

[Album cover art for Flu 독감 by Hanumpa released June 30, 2009]


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