...clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle of two new interlinked releases from Melbourne based band


...and a sample track from their debut LP // Gary // due out Feb 26, 2016, giving you a sense of the band's pleasantly psychotic personality which draws inspiration from a wide variety of genres, plus a few of their very own, before dipping into a recently released solo effort by the group's lead singer // Cosima Jaala // going by the stage name

:: JAALA ::

...as she contemplates the see-saw experience of living life in a small town whilst sitting on the toilet in a track called // Salt Shaker // taken from her debut album // Hard/Hold // released November last year ...the only question is, are they zany enough for you? ...more than worth a listen


:: MANGELWURZEL :: Fishy Fry ::

:: JAALA :: Salt Shaker ::


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