Sampling some latest releases from American indie rock band


by checking out a few tracks off their upcoming album // Snowdonia // set for
release in a few days time, on February 3. Hailing from West Palm Beach, I
wonder at the chilly direction, as I entangle myself in the jolly excursion that is
number 2 in the track list, namely // Frozen //. Are we talking personal relation-
ships? Seriously guys, this is the 4th turn round the timetable of life and record
producing machina. Why are we still angsting this stuff? Wires crossed. Okay.
I could see that. Gaining a penchant for coffee whilst cruising down the freeway
in an open top convertible works, but I have a hard time with your lyrics as I tune
into // Matter of Time //. How can I put this? It's all very teenage hormonal or girly,
with a strong The Monkees  vibe. I want to buy you a red London bus, destination
Sesame Street, but I have hope as I spot the next title // Six Flags In F or G //. And
we're into James Bond meets The Addams Family as the first lines, "Caught up in
a pissing contest. " charm my ear drums. Someone's gonna love this, though. If
that 'someone' is you, you can catch a pre-order wave here:

L i n k

• nJoy •

:: SURFER BLOOD :: Frozen [Lyric Video] ::

:: SURFER BLOOD :: Matter of Time ::

:: SURFER BLOOD :: Six Flags In F or G ::

[ Detail from a Surfer Blood 2010 Cincinnati Gig Poster, reworked by IANA ]


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