Taking a look at some recent releases from English electronic duo


made up of singing songwriter // Aluna Francis // alongside producer & musician
// George Reid //. Let's name it after you. No let's name it after you.  Oh, I know...
Yes. You didn't look too hard but they get a pass for an interesting, fresh, talented
sound that plays to both their strengths, offering up electro dance music with a
pop feel, a vibe evident in their latest track // Mean What I Mean // which will
appear on their upcoming album // I Remember // due out on September, 16, as
will the next single // My Blood //, a collaboration featuring Chinese American
electronic musician and singer // Zhu //. It's more downtempo with a touch of
RnB added to interesting layers that seamlessly blend rap, soft trap, and electro
beats that ends too soon. I expect there are already remixes of this, which acts as
a nice intro. to the album's title track // I Remember //. The lyrics will become a
teenager's anthem, sung at traffic lights, in their first car.

• nJoy •

:: ALUNAGEORGE :: Mean What I Mean ::

:: ALUNAGEORGE :: My Blood [feat. Zhu] ::

:: ALUNAGEORGE :: I Remember ::

[Art: aluna francis by IANA]


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