2 x LONE

...marking the announcement of a new album // Levitate // his seventh to be
precise, with a due date of May 27, English music producer Matt Cutler,
better known as

:: LONE ::

...gives us a taste of what to expect via the recently released track
// Vapour Trail // ...the album promises to build on previous offerings as
Lone continues to blend old-style music with melodic hip pop beats that seek
to modernize but really just add neon coloring to rice crispies in the bowl
...if we screw our eyes up tight and open them again quickly, we can almost
convince ourselves that we have a plate of giant sized birthday cake flavored
sprinkles ...it feels stale in its novelty, but I like hot sauce on my cereal, which
is more in evidence with the second release // Back Tail Was Heavy// described
as hashtag hardcore electronic ...it works on me like a shot of adrenaline in my
sleep filled floaty floaty mind ...I am reset, if only that doorbell sound wasn't
in there ...dude!


:: LONE :: Vapour Trail ::

:: LONE :: Back Tail Was Heavy ::


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