...a track from the new album // Curve of the Earth // set for release Jan 15, 2016, from English indie rock band


...formed by musical lyricist, Henry Harrison, back in 2004, presently joined by 6 other members to complete a talented line-up that includes Henry's son, Blaine, on vocals, guitar & keyboards, offering music influenced by bands such as Pink Floyd, Hall and Oates, & David Bowie, that references their easy listening indie pop style but with post-punk pizzazz, thus widening an appeal that has led to 5 top 50 UK music chart albums to date, assuring success for their soon-to-be released 6th album ...I also include // The Eel Pie Revue // documentary filmed on a pin hole camera [joke] that really gives a sense of the personalities of the members as we follow them on their first headline tour of England in 2005/06 with our fly on the wall wings flapping, in an MV that also features the Noisettes, The Junglists, and Les Incompetents, to name but a few


:: Mystery Jets :: Telomere ::

:: Mystery Jets :: The Eel Pie Revue Tour Documentary (Full documentary) ::


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