...An eccentric set of Franglais post-pop punk from Stéphanie Sokolinski, better known simply as :: SOKO :: the French singing songwriting musician and actress who channels her diva and dons a wig to overact her angst in a merry dance through a modern pop opera that is life, helped along, in places by Amercian music producer and fellow singer/songwriter :: ARIEL PINK ::

:: SOKO :: Ocean Of Tears ::

:: SOKO :: Lovetrap feat. Ariel Pink (Official Video) ::

:: SOKO :: Destruction Of The Disgusting Ugly Hate ( Official Video ) ::


  1. _oh la la la live en rooooose_...

    1. ...merci beaucoup CHRISTIAN ...<3

      ...a rose for you இڿڰۣ-ڰۣ—


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