...A set from American hard rock band: Dead Sara

Dead Sara - "Heart Shaped Box" Nirvana Cover

...some powerful rock from the Los Angeles band: Dead Sara in a triple set that starts off mellow and builds to a rousing crescendo with a voice that breaks chairs and bites the head off bats without needing to do the act ...Emily Armstrong on lead vocals has a double allure alongside the other female in the band, Siouxsie Medley, on lead guitar, Chris Null on bass and Sean Friday on drums ...in this set, I offer up the band's cover of Nirvana's: Heart Shaped Box, a favorite single: Weatherman, off their debut album: Dead Sara, and the song: Mona Lisa, from their second and current album released this March entitled: Pleasure To Meet You ...N-joy

Dead Sara - Weatherman

Dead Sara - Mona Lisa


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